Thursday, June 4, 2009

Life Is Art

"Life is art - art is life. I just looked out my window to see the most beautiful artwork, the crystals forming over my window - beautiful… Just looking around is art - the life we have is art - we are the expression of an amazing artist."

When you look at the ice crystals then your perception makes art out of it, but it is you and not the crystals, these by themselves are not art, they are formed by an automatic process due to some related reactions which belong to nature laws. If something is beautiful or not depends on your stored images build up through many different influences during your life; individually changing due to culture, belief system, education, society, fashion, etc. For one a big fat woman is beautiful, for another a small skinny one. One woman with small breasts goes through a beauty operation to get big breasts while another woman with big breasts let an operation make her breasts small. All depending on the image of beauty one has.

Just looking around is not art. Otherwise all people with eyes would be artists. In reality people are looking but they are not seeing. Most people are blind even with open eyes. To be an artist or to see art - only an artist can see art - one needs to be able to look AND to see and this depends on certain personal conditions as a state of one’s development. Then maybe life can be perceived as art because one is relating and responding in a creative way to whatever shows up…

"We are the expression of an amazing artist." This is a beautiful poetic image. This image probably is coming out of the expression of an artist due to his experience within his process of personal transformation. Indeed there is something authentic expressed. If we are the expression of an artist, then we as an expression are representing and also expressing the artist: as the artwork and the creator are one and can’t be separated. They are only seen as separated due to a lack of perception. Obviously people are no artwork by themselves, but they can grow into it; then when they have completed the creative process within themselves. Yes, life is art: when we are artists of life…

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